Gili Meno

From Gili Trawangan And Gili Air

Public inter-island boats run twice daily. The morning boat leaves Gili Air at about 8:30AM arriving in Meno at 8.45AM. The same boat goes onto Gili Trawangan picking up there at 9.30AM, and returning to Gili Meno at 9:45AM. The afternoon boat runs the same route leaving Gili Air at 3PM and Gili Trawangan at about 3:30PM. The fare from either of the other islands to Gili Meno should be about Rp 20,000, but is prone to impromptu fluctuations.

A charter boat from Gili Trawangan or Gili Meno will cost about Rp 200,000 - a relatively huge sum of money for a 10 minute ride.

From Lombok

Public boats depart from Bangsal between 8AM-5PM, take about 30 minutes, and cost Rp 10,000. They depart only when there are enough people normally a minimum of 15. Dedicated boats to Gili Meno are few and far between, and best looked for early in the mornings and mid-afternoon. The boat office at Bangsal will though make sure you get dropped off by a Gili Trawangan-bound boat if necessary. A chartered boat from Bangsal to Gili Meno will cost about Rp 200,000.

Perama ( has a tiny office tel:+62 370 632824 on Gili Meno at Kontiki Cottage. They offer daily transfers to and from Senggigi, but these may not run direct outside the peak seasons, and you may be diverted to Gili Trawangan.